Friday, December 09, 2011

Real Christmas Cheer


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This Sunday

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Thursday, December 08, 2011

You Will Get Burned

How close are you willing to get to sin, compromise or something that will pull you away from God? In my own life and watching the choices of others, sin will take you deeper than you ever thought it would and pull you there faster than you would ever imagine. Have you ever said, "I would never do that"? Yet you find yourself right where you said you would never go -- we've all said that at one point. My advice is simple:

Keep away from anything that might take God's place in your heart. 1 John 5:21 NLT

Is there a person, a practice, a habit, a place, a per-occupation that you need to stay away from? Then do it, "run Forest run" -- get away from what might take God's place. Fill your mind with his Word. Fill you life with people that will help you put God first.

Do it!